Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome ME

Robert Frost said it in 1922 and i do not wish to repeat. But yes, the sentiments remain. And if Frost made the words "miles to go" famous, i might as well hit gold by "still to go!!"

A world too many i need today, as I do words to describe my state of mind. Before you expect an abstract post with lines humming possibly every malady in the world, let me just begin by describing myself.

I'm one who has no clarity, but has an aim.
I have no virtues, but I have friends.
I have no ideas, but i have a will.
I 'm not selfless, but I'm trying.
I have a temper valve, but i have its prick.
I have no money, but i have strength.
I have a family, but I live alone.
I have no power, but i have BIG dreams.

I am contradiction. Say hello to me. I am like you. Say hello to me.